Donations to the ND Department of Veterans Affairs (NDDVA) are tax deductible under IRS code 170(c)(1).
As provided in North Dakota Century Code 37-18-12 (2): The department of veterans' affairs may apply for, accept, and receive any private donation, gift, grant, or bequest that is offered or tendered with a specifically identified purpose or a restrictive condition and which is related to a benefit or service for resident North Dakota veterans.
a. The department shall administer and expend any private donation, gift, grant, or bequest in accordance with the purpose or condition imposed by the donor.
b. All moneys received or accepted under this subsection are appropriated on a continuing basis to the department of veterans' affairs in accordance with the donor's instructions.
NDDVA is currently requesting assistance in these programs:
Fisher House
Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military & veterans’ families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. These homes are located at military and VA medical centers around the world. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room, and an inviting living room.
ND has been approved for a Fisher House at the Fargo VAMC. Fisher House Foundation and Fisher House North Dakota located at the Impact Foundation in Fargo are working together to raise the estimated $8 Million for construction, landscaping and furnishing cost of the Fisher House. Once the construction is complete the house is turned over to the Federal VA who will be charged with the operation and maintenance of the Fisher House.
Donations can be mailed to:
Fisher House North Dakota
Impact Foundation
4141 28th Ave South
Fargo, ND 58104
ND DVA goal: $8 Million
Commemorative Memorial Coin
North Dakota's 65th Legislative Assembly created and enacted through SB2183 an unfunded legislative mandate for the ND Department of Veterans Affairs (NDDVA) to "..create and confer a commemorative memorial coin upon a family member of a deceased North Dakota veteran during military funeral honors for ND veterans. The mandate allows NDDVA to accept and expend any gifts, grants, or donations received for the creation and conferment of commemorative memorial coins. Funding is needed to design and purchase the first four thousand commemorative memorial coins before program can be implemented. See wording of bill.
Donations can be mailed to:
4201 38th Street SW #104
Fargo, ND 58104
Checks can be made out to North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs or NDDVA and place "Memorial Coins" in memo.
*Donations are tax deductible under IRS code 170 (C)(1).
Grant Program
NDDVA Grant program assists with the emergency needs of North Dakota Veterans and their eligible dependents with healthcare and urgent unmet needs such as dental issues, dentures, glasses, hearing aids, housing, economic recovery, transportation to healthcare, and other emergency needs. This grant is income and asset based and serves North Dakotas most vulnerable veterans.
Donations can be mailed to:
4201 38th Street SW #104
Fargo, ND 58104
Checks can be made out to North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs or NDDVA and place "PWTF" in memo.
*Donations are tax deductible under IRS code 170 (C)(1).
Contact your local County Veterans Service Officer to apply for support from this program.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that involves breathing 100% oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber. The pressure in the chamber is increased, anywhere from 1.5 atmospheres to up to 3 atmospheres. The hyperbaric oxygen treatment provides a dramatic increase in oxygen in the blood. The high level of oxygen in the blood then provides an increase in oxygen to all tissues, decreases swelling to any damaged tissues, and mitigates an over-reactive immune function. These three results, all from simply the increased oxygen of the blood, provide incredible healing benefits.
The Federal VA has a clinical study for Veterans with PTSD.
NDDVA has grants for veterans with any treatable ailment to include concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries. Treatments available at Fargo, ND. Goal is to assist with cost of treatments, travel and housing if needed.
Donations can be mailed to:
4201 38th Street SW #104
Fargo, ND 58104
Checks can be made out to North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs or NDDVA and place "HBOT" in memo.
*Donations are tax deductible under IRS code 170 (C)(1).
Contact your local County Veterans Service Officer to apply for support from this program.
Vietnam Veterans Coin
A challenge coin to commemorate the return of ND Veterans from Vietnam.
Donations can be mailed to:
4201 38th Street SW #104
Fargo, ND 58104
Checks can be made out to North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs or NDDVA and place "Vietnam Coin" in memo.
*Donations are tax deductible under IRS code 170 (C)(1).
North Dakota Support our Veterans Fund
The North Dakota Support our Veterans Fund was established to provide resources for emergency needs of North Dakota veterans and their eligible dependents. Emergency needs of veterans may include but are not limited to dental care, vision, hearing, housing, transportation for medical treatment and other special needs as approved by the Fund Advisors. 100% of donations go directly to help veterans. No administrative fees, wages, fund expenses are paid with donations.
Or mailed to:
Support Our Veterans Fund
Impact Foundation
4141 28th Ave. S
Fargo, ND 58104
Show your support with the "Yellow Ribbon" License plates. Proceeds go to the ND Impact Support Our Veterans Fund.
All gifts are tax-deductible!
Contact your local County Veterans Service Officer to apply for support from this program.
Honor Flight of ND and MN
Our job is to make sure our veterans feel like the heroes we know they are. Our goal with WDAY Honor Flight is to send area veterans to their memorials in Washington D.C. free of charge. It’s a way of saying “thank you” for a job well done.
Honor Flight
PO Box 644
West Fargo, ND 58078
Apply for Veteran flight and mail to:
303 30th Street N
Moorhead MN 56560
Questions: Call: 218-28HONOR (218-284-6667)
ND Native American Veterans Honor Flight
ND Senator Richard Marcellais is accepting donations to organize an honor flight for ND Native American Veterans.
Donations can be mailed to:
ND State Senator Richard Marcellais
301 Laite Loop NE
Belcourt, ND 58316
Phone: 701-477-8985
North Dakota Veterans Home Foundation
The North Dakota Veterans Home Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization established in 1987. The goal of the Foundation is to build a permanent endowment from which investment income will be used for activities, programs, and equipment to enhance the quality of life for the residents of the North Dakota Veterans Home. The Foundation is a charitable organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501 (C) (3). This designation provides for tax benefits for donors.
The organization operates off of the interest made on the endowment. Money's made go to support special programs, activities, to buy equipment and etc.
The Board of Directors is composed of 15 military Veterans from the five major veteran organizations in North Dakota, which includes the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), The American Legion, American Veterans (AMVETS), and the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA).
- The Board of Directors provide guidance and approval of three main areas.
- They are in charge of promoting giving;
- Handling and managing the investment portfolio;
- Responsible for long range planning and establishing goals and objectives for the foundation.
Anyone interested in making a contribution to the foundation, please call (701) 683-6500 or email
Your donation will continue to support the residents at the North Dakota Veterans Home for many years to come. How? Your donation will be added to the endowment of the North Dakota Veterans Home Foundation and will start to earn interest. Your donation will continue to earn interest year after year after year. The interest will be used to benefit the residents at the North Dakota Veterans Home in Lisbon.
All gifts are tax-deductible!
North Dakota Veterans Cemetery Foundation
The North Dakota Veteran's Cemetery was established by an act of the 1989 Legislative Assembly. The cemetery was opened in July 1992, and is operated by the Adjutant General of North Dakota. It is located 6.5 miles south of Mandan on Highway 1806 on a 70 acre tract of land in the southwest corner of Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park. Dedicated to the men and women who have served this State and Nation with unequaled distinction and honor. The State of North Dakota, in tribute to the devotion shown by our veterans in defense of the ideals and values we hold so precious, honors them by providing a location where they may find eternal peace in a setting rich with military history and quiet dignity.
- The Kiosk gravesite locator is available in the foyer of the visitors center.
- The cemetery office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm., closed weekends and on State Holidays.
- The cemetery grounds are open twenty four hours a day for grave visitation.
- Burial Space: This cemetery has in ground burial space available to accommodate casketed and cremated remains.
- Acreage: 70
It is only through the efforts of contributors, volunteers, and donors that we are able to provide critical resources for the operations and maintenance of this world-class facility. As an example, this biennium presented a very challenging fiscal situation for the state, yet we were able to not only ensure operational support to the cemetery but provide for a critical upgrade to the irrigation system. I ask that you help support the hallowed ground we have created to honor our veterans’ service.
There are many ways you can support the cemetery and remember that any gifts can be made in memory (or in honor) of a loved one or friend. You can choose to make direct gifts such as cash or check directly to the foundation. We also provide opportunities to give through gift annuities, charitable trusts, life insurance, securities and real estate. If you wish to learn more about gift options please let us know. We can be reached at the address listed above or by phone at (701) 667-1418.
It is important for you to know that your donations are tax deductible and that 100% of your donation benefits the cemetery as no funds are expended without approval of the board of directors. Additionally, the board of directors are not paid a salary and cover their own cost of travel, food and lodging while performing any required duties.
Pamela Helbling-Shafer - Director ND Veterans Cemetery,, (701) 667-1418, 1825 46th St, Mandan, ND 58554, USA
ND American Legion
The American Legion, Department of North Dakota offers several programs that are in need of additional funding from various sources. They vary in structure and need, but all follow the four pillars of The American Legion’s purpose: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, Children & Youth, Americanism, and Homeland Security. The majority of these funds and activities have a direct impact on North Dakota veterans and children.
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
1) Veterans in Need. We assist veterans who are suffering a personal hardship. If they need gasoline for work, assistance in rent, specialty medical equipment, food, travel funds, or care of veterans' children. A one-time voucher may be provided depending upon request and availability of these funds. Funds are provided only to veterans in need.
2) Travel to the VA Regional Medical Center if needed.
Children & Youth Programs
1) ND Boys State and Girls State is a program that instructs high school student boys (juniors) how the democratic government works through a weeklong, hands-on program utilizing mock political parties to build a community of government official, county organizations, and ultimately a state government by electing a Governor and state cabinet.
2) The Oratorical Program is a speech presentation competition that invites all high school students, grades 9 – 12 to compete for scholarships. Speeches are presented at the local community level, advancing to a district level, the state is subdivided into ten districts, and on to one of three regional contests, ultimately advancing and competing at the state level being held at our ND American Legion Winter Conference held each year. Scholarships are presented at each level and are accumulated through to the state finals.
3) ND American Legion Baseball is a cornerstone of the American Legion Children and Youth programs. Here in North Dakota, we have sixty-five teams paying across the state.
1) The Temporary Financial Assistance Fund has been set up to specifically answer to the needs of the children of veterans in need. It provides special funding for medical needs, clothing, foods and educational needs.
2) The Legacy Fund has been established to support the educational needs of children whose parent(s) were killed in the attack on the World Trade Centers on Sept. 11, 2001. The American Legion “Riders”, a motorcycle enthusiasts' organization, manages and collects monies from special ride events across the state.
Homeland Security
The ND American Legion has been active in recognizing the ND National Guards “Military Person of the Year”, supporting the family center and providing support and information to currently serving troops regarding access and benefits available at the ND VA Regional Medical Center.
North Dakota American Legion Foundation
The purpose of this foundation is to solicit, accumulate, distribute and/or invest all income placed into this foundation exclusively for charitable, religious, scientific, literary, patriotic or educational purposes. Programs which are developed for veterans, children and youth or community projects that support the public good.
Contributions for activities of the ND American Legion may be mailed to (please specific the fund/program you wish to support). All contributions are tax-deductible:
ND Dept. of The American Legion
405- West Main Ave Suite 4-A
P.O. Box 5057
West Fargo, ND 58078
Phone: 701-293-3120
ND Veterans of Foreign Wars
The VFW has an impeccable and longstanding record of service and stewardship. More than 4 million patriotic Americans, both members and non-members, entrust the VFW with financial contributions and dedicate millions of volunteer hours. Our veterans and service members sacrifice so greatly and ask for little in return. Today you can honor and help them by making a generous donation to the VFW. Our programs support our troops while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Donations can be earmarked for any of the following programs: Veterans Service, Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen, Citizen Teacher Recognition, Disaster Relief, National Military Services, State Commander’s Project, VFW National Home, Youth Activity Funds, Scout of the Year Scholarship and Safety Program.
Visit the VFW Contribute website or learn more about these programs.
Please send your tax-deductible donation to (please specific the program you wish to support):
James Markey, Adjutant
Department of ND VFW
1232 Goldenwood Dr
West Fargo, ND 58078
ND Vietnam Veterans of America
Founded in 1978, Vietnam Veterans of America is the only national Vietnam veterans organization congressionally chartered and exclusively dedicated to Vietnam-era veterans and their families. VVA is organized as a not-for-profit corporation and is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Service Code
"Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another."
VVA's goals are to promote and support the full range of issues important to Vietnam veterans, to create a new identity for this generation of veterans, and to change public perception of Vietnam veterans.
We're presently trying to raise funds so that we can help individual veterans in need. We've helped the Veterans Home in Lisbon, and we give out several high school scholarships each year. By making a donation to the NDVVA, you're reaching out to a veteran who gave so much for the freedom we all enjoy today in America!
Dan Stenvold-President
105 Code Ave North
Park River ND 58270
ND Disabled American Veterans
The North Dakota DAV is dedicated to empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. They accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America's injured heroes and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.
Who is Eligible to Join the DAV?
Any man or woman, who was wounded, gassed, injured or disabled in the line of duty during time of war, while in the service of either the military or naval forces of the United States of America, and who has not been dishonorably discharged or separated from such service, or who may still be in active service in the armed forces of the United States of America is eligible for membership in the Disabled American Veterans. Others who are disabled while serving with any of the armed forces of any nations associated with the United States of America as allies during any of its war periods, who are American citizens and who are honorably discharged, are also eligible.
What is the DAV's Dues Structure?
Life membership is permanent. Life membership dues are as follows and may be paid in interest-free installments following a minimum $40.00 down payment.
Age/Life Amounts
DAV life membership = $300
Veterans age 80 or older = FREE
Help the DAV in its effort to help you. Sign up for membership today! To sign up for membership - Fill out an Online Membership Application or print out the Membership Application, fill it out, enclose your membership payment, and mail it in right away to:
Disabled American Veterans
Attn: Membership Department
PO BOX 145550
Cincinnati, OH 45250
Service Dogs for America
Not a dog lover? Give us 30 seconds [VIDEO].
Dogs for Wounded Veterans: To honor the many service men and women who are still suffering from the conflicts of war, Service Dogs for America will have service dogs available to help them lead a more independent life.
A special fundraising effort has been launched to be able to place dogs, with no effort on the recipients’ part, with select disabled veterans of the most recent wars and conflicts, including those in Iraq and Afghanistan and any conflicts stemming from the tragic events of 9/11. Service Dogs for America is advocating a legislative bill that will provide funding for candidates to receive a service dog.
Click here to make a donation. All donations are tax-deductible!
If you think you or a family member would qualify as a wounded veteran in need of a service dog, please see the application page and download the pre-application. PTSD dogs are available for qualified applicants also.
Contact Service Dogs for America for more information.
Rebuilding Together
Fargo-Moorhead Area
Was incorporated January 1, 2011. Our mission is to bring volunteers and communities together to improve the homes and lives of homeowners in need. We do this by offering home repair and renovation services, free of charge, to low-income families with an emphasis on helping the elderly, people with disabilities and Veterans.
Contact Rebuilding Together Fargo-Moorhead
Greater Bismarck/Mandan
A nonprofit, community based organization, has become one of the leading volunteer organizations in the Capital City. The organization is dedicated to helping low-income homeowners in Bismarck and Mandan, North Dakota, live in warmth, safety and independence. The program embraces people of all faiths, all walks of life, all racial and ethnic groups, all ages and all sexes. It is not affiliated with any particular church or religion. Serving low-income homeowners, especially the elderly, people with disabilities, and families with children, Rebuilding Together works in partnership with local corporations; foundations and civic, educational, religious, and community organizations to “rebuild” houses and communities. All of the work is performed by volunteer laborers, utilizing donated materials and resources, at no cost to the homeowner with the work being done on a one-day blitz, usually on the last Saturday in April.
Donate to Rebuilding Together Greater Bismarck/Mandan
All gifts are tax-deductible!
ND National Guard Foundation
The North Dakota National Guard Foundation is a not for profit charitable organization that is chaired by the North Dakota National Guard Adjutant General. The Foundation has two primary support activities as described below.
North Dakota National Guard Emergency Relief Fund (ERF)
The N.D. National Guard Emergency Relief Fund (ERF) provides financial support in sudden and unforeseen emergency situations, such as natural disasters, accident, illness, fire or theft to the more than 4,300 North Dakota National Guard members and their Families during times of need.
North Dakota Tragedy Assistance Program (TAPS)
The North Dakota National Guard Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (ND-TAPS) supports the national TAPS initiative and provides services to those who have lost a loved one serving in the Armed Forces. The funds are used to cover transportation costs for Families of fallen heroes to travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in the annual National TAPS program.
Donate by clicking the link below or send your gift to this address below.
N.D. National Guard Foundation
PO Box 5511
Bismarck, ND 58506-5511
The North Dakota National Guard Foundation is a non-profit organization, which has no paid employees and hires no professional fundraisers. It depends entirely on volunteer help. Your gift will go directly to the Emergency Relief Fund or the North Dakota Tragedy Assistance Program (ND-TAPS) as specified, or if you prefer to donate to the General Fund, your donation will go where it's needed most. The Foundation has tax-exempt status granted under section 501(c)(3) "non-profit organizations" of the Internal Revenue Code.
All gifts are tax-deductible!
Quilts of Valor
The mission of the QOV Foundation is to cover ALL wounded and injured service members from the War on Terror, whether physical or psychologically, with wartime quilts called Quilts of Valor (QOV).
QOVF-UM covers the Upper Midwestern states of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin and is part of the national Quilts of Valor Foundation. The local group is Red River Quilters Group 57408, Abercrombie, ND
Follow us on Facebook or visit our website
Donate to Red River Quilters Group 57408
Checks Payable to "Quilts of Valor Foundation"
17495 County Road 4
Wahpeton, ND 58075
If you know of someone who should receive a QOV, please contact us.
All gifts are tax-deductible!
Post War Trust Fund
Donate to the ND Veterans Post War Trust Fund when you file your state income tax.
HB 1248 passed during the 66th Legislative Session in 2019 allows optional contributions to the PWTF.
NDCC 57-38-34.7 reads:
57-38-34.7. Optional contributions to veterans' postwar trust fund. An individual may designate on the tax return of that individual a contribution to the veterans' postwar trust fund of any amount of one dollar or more to be added to tax liability or deducted from any refund that otherwise would be payable by or to the individual. The tax commissioner shall notify taxpayers of this optional contribution on the individual state income tax returns. The tax commissioner shall transfer the amount of optional contributions under this section to the state treasurer for deposit in the veterans' postwar trust fund.
Contributions to the PWTF will become principal. Interest earnings from the fund are used for programs to benefit ND veterans and eligible dependents per NDCC 37-14-14
Learn more about PWTF
Learn more about Grant programs supported by PWTF
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