
  • United states citizen at time of application; and
  • Meet minimum qualifications for the job; and
  • Not currently employed by
    • A state agency and applying for a position in any state agency
    • A political subdivision and applying for a position in same political subdivision
  • Qualify as a Veteran as defined in subsection 1 of NDCC 37-01-40,
    •  Served on Federal Active Duty for;
      • One hundred eighty days; or
      • The full period for which the individual was called or ordered to active military duty; and
      • For reasons other than training; and
      • Been discharged or released under other than dishonorable conditions
        • A discharge reflecting:
          • "Expiration of term of service"; or
          • "Completion of required service"; or
          • Words to that effect qualifies the shorter term of service as making the individual a veteran

  • United States citizen at time of application; and
  • Must meet minimum qualifications for the job; and
  • Not currently employed by
    • A state agency and applying for a position in any state agency
    • A political subdivision and applying for a position in same political subdivision
  • Honorably discharged from National Guard or a Reserve unit

  • United states citizen at time of application; and
  • Meet minimum qualifications for the job; and
  • Entitled to a service connected disability rating by the US Veterans Administration; and
  • Not currently employed by
    • A state agency and applying for a position in any state agency or
    • A political subdivision and applying for a position in same political subdivision; and
  • Qualify as a Veteran as defined in subsection 1 of NDCC 37-01-40,
    •  Served on Federal Active Duty for;
      • One hundred eighty days; or
      • The full period for which the individual was called or ordered to active military duty; and
      • For reasons other than training; and
      • Been discharged or released under other than dishonorable conditions
        • A discharge reflecting:
          • "Expiration of term of service"; or
          • "Completion of required service"; or
          • Words to that effect qualifies the shorter term of service as making the individual a veteran
          • ;or
  • Qualify as a Veteran as defined NDCC 37-19.1-01 subsection 8 (b)
    • Honorably discharged from national guard or a reserve unit 

  • United states citizen at time of application and,
  • Meet minimum qualifications for the job and,
  • Not currently employed by
    • A state agency and applying for a position in any state agency
    • A political subdivision and applying for a position in same political subdivision
  • Applicants spouse (The Disabled Veteran) must
    • Be a United States citizen at time of application and,
    • Entitled to a 100% service connected disability rating by the US Veterans Administration or a lesser disability rating but being paid at 100% due to Individually Unemployability
    • Qualify as a Veteran as defined in subsection 1 of NDCC 37-01-40,
      •  Served on Federal Active Duty for;
        • One hundred eighty days; or
        • The full period for which the individual was called or ordered to active military duty; and
        • For reasons other than training; and
        • Been discharged or released under other than dishonorable conditions
          • A discharge reflecting:
            • "Expiration of term of service"; or
            • "Completion of required service"; or
            • Words to that effect qualifies the shorter term of service as making the individual a veteran
            • ;or
    • Qualify as a Veteran as defined NDCC 37-19.1-01 subsection 8 (b)
      • Honorably discharged from national guard or a reserve unit

  • United states citizen at time of application and,
  • Must meet minimum qualifications for the job and,
  • Not currently employed by
    • A state agency and applying for a position in any state agency or,
    • A political subdivision and applying for a position in same political subdivision
    • and,
  • Applicants spouse (The Deceased Veteran) must have;
    • Died while in Service; or
    • Qualify as a Veteran as defined in subsection 1 of NDCC 37-01-40,
      •  Served on Federal Active Duty for;
        • One hundred eighty days; or
        • The full period for which the individual was called or ordered to active military duty; and
        • For reasons other than training; and
        • Been discharged or released under other than dishonorable conditions
          • A discharge reflecting:
            • "Expiration of term of service"; or
            • "Completion of required service"; or
            • Words to that effect qualifies the shorter term of service as making the individual a veteran; and
      • Later died of Service connected cause or causes
        •  or
    • Qualified as a Veteran as defined NDCC 37-19.1-01 subsection 8 (b)
      • Honorably discharged from national guard or a reserve unit
      • Later died of Service connected cause or causes

Resource: North Dakota Century Codes:  NDCC37-19.1 and NDCC37-01-40


Sample Letters