The North Dakota Veterans Legislative Council (NDVLC) was established to bring veterans organizations together in a united effort on behalf of all veterans and dependents. It is meant to provide a practical means through which Veterans organizations throughout the state may effectively contribute to the betterment of all veterans. The three major responsibilities of the NDVLC are to sponsor and monitor legislation that affects veterans and their dependents, monitor all general programs for veterans including hospital benefits, employment programs, and social programs; and finally, to establish a system of public relations for veterans. No member of the NDVLC may hold concurrent membership on the Administrative Committee on Veterans Affairs.
The NDVLC is made up of three members from each of the following five Veterans organizations; the American Legion, VFW, DAV, AMVETS, and VVA. The three representatives from each Veterans organization shall be the Department Commander, the Department Adjutant, and one other representative. Each member has one vote. The office of president, vice-president, and secretary/treasurer are elected from these voting members. The secretary receives no salary and performs duties as outlined in the By-laws.
The third segment of the NDVLC is the Legislative Committee. They are appointed from the veterans organizations and are preferred to reside around Bismarck. There are two members from each organization and a chairman. They are appointed for two years. They should be from Bismarck area so they can attend hearings on bills affecting the veterans.
The NDVLC's main function is drafting, or monitoring, or co-sponsoring Veterans legislation. It is not an administrative body. Administration and implementation of Veterans laws is the function of the Administrative Committee on Veterans' Affairs, (ACOVA).
Read the NDVLC Constitution and Bylaws for more information.
NDVLC is not covered by ND Law, however the NDVLC is referenced in th ND Century Code under the Administrative Committee on Veterans' Affairs (ACOVA): NDCC37-18.1-02 (4): The committee shall, under recommendation from the board or the subcommittee,present any matters needing attention and action to the appropriate board,commission, agency, or department of the state, and the North Dakota veterans' coordinating council.