- Copy #4 or #6 of report of separation DD 214 showing character of service (Copy #1 does not show character of service); or
- Copy of NGB 22 from National Guard or Reserve showing character of service as "Honorable"
Applicant must meet eligibility requirements
Disabled Veteran
- Copy #4 or #6 of report of separation DD 214 showing a character of service other than "dishonorable" (Copy #1 does not show character of service); or
- Copy of NGB 22 from National Guard or Reserve unit; and
- A letter less than one year old from the Veteran's Administration indicating the veterans disability status.
- Veteran: Request copy of VA Disability letter
- Call: 1-800-827-1000
- Ebenefits (if you are signed up)
- Contact your VSO for assistance
- Veteran: Request copy of VA Disability letter
Applicant must meet eligibility requirements
Spouse of Deceased Veteran
- Copy #4 or #6 of report of separation DD 214 (if applicable) showing a character of service other than "dishonorable" (Copy #1 does not show character of service); or
- Copy of NGB 22 from National Guard or Reserve unit; and
- Copy of marriage certificate
- Request copy marriage certificate from ND County clerk of court or recorder
- Veterans death certificate
- Request copy of death certificate from ND Vital Records
- Proof that Veteran died from service related cause or causes (unless died in service)
- VA letter showing service related cause or causes contributed to death of veteran or,
- A letter less than one year old from the Veteran's Administration indicating the unremmarried surviving spouse is in receipt of VA DIC benefits
- Veteran spouse: Request copy of VA Disability letter
- Call: 1-800-827-1000
- Ebenefits (if you are signed up)
- Contact your VSO for assistance
- Veteran spouse: Request copy of VA Disability letter
- If Veteran died in service:
- Report of Casualty DD 1300
- Request DD 1300 from national archives or Contact your VSO
- DD214 not applicable if veteran died in service
Applicant meet eligibility requirements
Spouse of 100% Disabled Veteran
- Copy #4 or #6 of report of separation DD 214 showing a character of service other than "dishonorable" (Copy #1 does not show character of service), or:
- Copy of NGB 22 from National Guard or Reserve unit; and
- Copy of marriage certificate
- Request copy marriage certificate from ND County clerk of court or recorder
- A letter less than one year old from the Veteran's Administration indicating the veterans disability status.
- Veteran: Request copy of VA Disability letter
- Call: 1-800-827-1000
- Ebenefits (if you are signed up)
- Contact your VSO for assistance
- Veteran: Request copy of VA Disability letter
Applicant must meet eligibility requirements
Click here to request copy of DD 214
Resource: Veterans Preference Laws NDCC37-19.1 and NDCC37-01-40
- Reviewing NGB 22 (398.0 KB pdf)
- Reviewing the DD214 (594.0 KB pdf)
Sample Letters
- Sample VA Annual Letter (Disability Compensation) (27.0 KB pdf)
- Sample VA Civil Service Letter (123.0 KB pdf)