World War II
After a successful bombing mission it was noticed by other B-24's, while returning to base, that B-24D #41-24186 was not able to close their bomb bay doors and that one of their engines was also on fire. The crew was given the order to bailout near New Ireland Island, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea..
After bailing out some of the crew were able to swim to shore and they soon became POW's of the Japanese. (see below for more)
Anthony was first declared "Missing In Action" on this mission.
He was later found to have become a POW of the Japanese Army and was held at the Rabaul Pow Camp, Rabaul, New Britain 4-152.
Anthony was "Executed" by the Japanese in what became known as the "Tunnel Hill Massacre" on March 5, 1944.
born Dickinson, ND 21 May 17; resident Stark County, ND; entered AUS Los Angeles, Calif 18 Nov 41; served Asiatic Pacific Theater; KIA 5 Mar 44 Rabaul, New Britain; buried in Section 78, Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St Louis, Mo.