World War II


Date of Loss:

Branch of Service:


Company / Ship / Flight or equivalent:
Company A

Battalion / Task Group / Squadron or equivalent:
1st Battalion

Regiment / Group / Brigade:
6th Marines

Division / Fleet / Air Force or Equivalent:
2nd Marine Division
Listed on/in the:
Register of North Dakota Veterans World War II 1941-1945 and Korean Conflict 1950-1953, published 1968

Major Battle/Theatre:
Asiatic Pacific Theater

Medals and Honors:


Killed in action in Tarawa, Gilbert Islands, Kiribati


born Morristown, SDak 27 Sep 18; resident Adams County, NDak; entered USMC Quantico, Va 24 Jun 41; served Asiatic Pacific Theater; KIA 17 Jun 44 Saipan; buried in Custer Battlefield National Cemetery, Crow Agency, Mont, 

Awarded posthumously for actions during the World War II
The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Captain Charles R. Durfee (MCSN: 0-8324), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving with Company A, First Battalion, Sixth Marines, SECOND Marine Division, during action against enemy Japanese forces at Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands, on 22 November 1943. While in Command of Company A, several enemy counter-attacks were experienced. In addition to commanding his own company, and while under continuous rifle, machine gun and mortar fire, Captain Durfee, with complete disregard for his own personal safety, traversed the entire length of the battalion sector to consolidate our lines. Throughout the action, by his calm determination and excellent judgment, he inspired the men and gave his commanding officer invaluable aid in forming a correct estimate of the situation, enabling all of the available troops and supporting weapons to be most effectively employed in stopping the enemy attacks. His heroism, resourcefulness and inspiring leadership were in keeping with the finest traditions of the United States Naval Service.