Burleigh County
- Rank:
- Branch of Service:
Appointed to ACOVA by Governor Burgum July 2018. Nominated by the AMVETS
Served on ACOVA: 2018-present
ACOVA Committees Served on:
- Post War Trust Fund 2018-2019, 2019-2020 (Chair)
- Legislative and Strategic Planning 2021-2023 (Chair)
- Department of Veterans Affairs 2023-present
Member of Veteran Organizations:
- National Executive Committeeman
- National Chairman Americanism & Patriotic Committee
- Past National District V Commander
- National Sadder, Sad Sacks
- National Award: Silver Helmet for Americanism
- National Award: National Sad Sack of the Year
- State Commander 1993-1994
- State Adjutant 2006-2016
- Past Commander Post 15 Buelah
- Past Commander Post 9 Bismarck
- State Award: Recruiter of the year
- American Legion
- Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA)
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
- Past Commander Post 6831 Oaks
- Received Young Veteran Award
- ND Veterans Coordinating Council 1993-1995 and 2006-2016 Past President Past Secretary
Education: Degree in Electronics (Northwest School of Electronics)
- Retired Electrical and Instrumentation Technician at Dakota Gasification plant
- Self employed TV repairman
Services, Committees, Memberships and Recognition:
- Presidential Unit for Congo
- Facilitator of employees committee at DGC
- AMVETS Silver Helmet award for Americanism
- AMVETS recruiter of the year
- AMVETS Sad Sack of the year
- VFW Young Veteran award
- Member or the Moose