Glen Ullin, ND
Southeast of Hill 55 near the hamlet of Chau Lau in Dien Ban District during Operation OKLAHOMA HILLS, a Marine patrol tripped a wire which was connected to a claymore type AP (anti-personnel) mine causing an explosion. PFC Gietzen was killed as a result of fragmentation wounds and two men were wounded.
Gene, the son of William F. Gietzen and Mary E. Gietzen, enlisted in the US Marine Corps on September 17, 1968, in Fargo ND. He arrived in Vietnam on March 19, 1969, and was assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st MARDIV (Rein) FMF.
He is buried in Row 12, Lot 239, Plot 11 in Saint Clement Cemetery - Morton County, ND.