World War II
Died in service in the POW Fukuoka Camp in Japan
Louis Fidelis Murphy was born in Grand Forks, Grand Forks County on August 10, 1917, to Louis Fidelis Murphy and Clara A DiCaire. He entered The United States Army Camp in Mullis, Texas on February 20, 1940, and served in the Asiatic Pacific Theater. Captain Murphy was captured in the Southwest Pacific Theatre, Philippine Islands. He was a Bataan Death March survivor and prisoner. He was listed on the roster of men from the hellship "Oryoku Maru" who were transported from Manila on December 13, 1944, to Fukuoka, Japan, POW Camp #1. The Oryoku was sunk by the United States aircraft in Subic Bay near Olongapo on December 15, 1944. On December 14, "Oryoku Maru" was bombed and strafed by planes from the United States carrier Hornet at 0300 Hours. The result was 50 dead and after dawn, the Oryoku Maru was sunk by another bomb. Many of the Prisoners of War were shot and died while trying to swim toward safety. Based on his death record, he may have been shot but not killed. He was later placed aboard the Brazil Maru. The Brazil Maru was bombed, and the bomb hit the hold and killed about 300 prisoners. Many were shot in the water for trying to escape. About 900 Prisoners of War remained and were moved back onto the Brazil Maru from Japanese rescue crafts. Captain Murphy was again among the survivors. The damaged Brazil Maru continued its voyage returning to Japan. Captain Murphy was transported to Japan and imprisoned at Fukouka City, POW Camp #1. He is listed on the "Death Roster" for the Fukuoka City, POW Camp #1, Kashii (Pine Tree Camp) Kyushu Island, where he died of debility as a result of wounds incurred during transport to Japan. Captain Murphy died in service February 5, 1945, as a Prisoner of War in Fukuoka, Japan. He is buried in Grave 1-6, 1-C, 1-8, Section 82, Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St Louis, Missouri along with a memorial marker at Calvary Cemetery, Grand Forks, North Dakota. Captain Murphy received the Prisoner of War Medal.
Source: Ancestry/Find a Grave