Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Categories:
VA Health

It has come to the attention of the Department of Veterans Affairs that a phone line has been set up by an unknown party to fraudulently "mimic" the Veterans Choice Program (VCP) phone line.  This imposter phone line may be intended to reach veterans who inadvertently dial the VCP number incorrectly. The VA takes this seriously and want to keep Veterans informed of hte steps VA is taking. Also, the VHA Office of Cummunity Care (VHA CC) has reported the "mimic" line to the VA Office of Inspector General for a possible civil or criminal investigation.

The phone line established to "mimic" the VCP phone line is 1-800-606-8198. You know you have reached the wrong VCP phone line when:

  • The phone line offers callers a $100 rebate if the caller provides a credit card.
  • The phone line does not state the caller has reached the U.S. Department of Veteans Affairs or the VCP phone line.

Be Aware that this phone number incorrectly confirms callers had reached the VCP if the caller aks that question.

The correct VCP phone line is 1-866-606-8198. This line is for Veterans to check their eligibility for the VCP and ask questions about the program.

If you are unsure if you have reached the correct phone line, hang up and dial 1-866-606-8198 again. The phone line will state the call has reached the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.