Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Categories:

Amy Norton

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- At one time, military veterans were typically healthier than the average American. But a new study finds that vets who have served since 9/11 have higher than average death rates -- especially those with a history of brain injury.

The study, of more than 2.5 million military veterans, found that post-9/11 service members have been dying at a higher rate than Americans overall in the past two decades.

The excess deaths have been concentrated among veterans under 45, and most have been from suicide and accidents. But service members also showed heightened risks of dying early from other causes, too -- ranging from homicide to cancer.

That was particularly the case for those with a history of traumatic brain injury, the study found. And the more severe the injury, the greater the risks.  READ MORE...