Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Categories:
VA Health


Fargo VA offers Fast Tracking to VA Cancer Care

FARGO, N.D. (Oct. 8, 2019) – The Fargo VA Health Care System (HCS) is proud to announce that they are taking part in an initiative that offers eligible Veterans with active cancer who have not yet enrolled in VA the ability to “fast track” to VA oncology services.

Through this initiative, eligible Veterans with active cancer who are not yet enrolled in VA can call 1-833-309-1349 to determine eligibility for VA health care benefits, enroll, and make an appointment with a cancer specialist.

Previously in the Veterans Health Administration, after enrolling in VA health care, Veterans had to see a VA primary care provider and receive a consult or referral from a primary care provider prior to scheduling an appointment with a cancer specialist, but “fast tracking” makes it easier for Veterans to quickly receive the care they need and for providers to deliver care in a streamlined and efficient manner.

“Fast Tracking to VA Cancer Care is improving timeliness for Veterans accessing specialty services. I am excited to see sites who are getting rid of unnecessary consults and helping Veterans get the care they need,” said Dr. Susan Kirsh, Acting VHA Assistant Deputy Under Secretary (ADUSH) for the Office of Veterans Access to Care (OVAC). This effort makes scheduling specialty care services faster and easier for Veterans, while improving availability for primary care services.

Fargo VA HCS-area Veterans with active cancer who are not yet enrolled in VA can call 1-833-309-1349 to find out if they are eligible for VA health care benefits and make an appointment to see a cancer specialist. Previously, this process required multiple phone calls with different offices, followed by an appointment with a primary care provider in order to receive a referral to see a cancer specialist.

The goal of the “Fast Tracking to VA Cancer Care” initiative is to improve clinic access, reduce wait times, as well as enhance Veteran care and satisfaction. Veterans with cancer face many challenges, and accessing the care they earned should not be one of them.

“Fast Tracking to VA Cancer Care” is currently available at some VA facilities—with the Fargo VA HCS being one of them—and will soon be available at all VA facilities nationally. This is just one of the many ways that VA is evolving and adapting to make sure Veterans get the care they need, when they need it.

For more information, call the Fargo VA HCS Public Affairs office at (701) 239-3724.

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