Thursday, February 9, 2023 Categories:
VA Benefits

VA will not discharge participants or decrease support

During this time, VA will not discharge or decrease any support to Legacy Participants, Legacy Applicants and their Family Caregivers, based on reassessment, to include monthly stipends paid to Primary Family Caregivers.

This extends the transition period and timeline to complete reassessments for Legacy Participants, Legacy Applicants and their Family Caregivers for an additional three years.

VA will continue to complete reassessments of Legacy Participants, Legacy Applicants and their Family Caregivers at the request of the Veteran or Family Caregiver or if evidence of an increased need for personal care services is identified.

Options to seek further review or appeal

Any Primary Family Caregiver eligible for an increase in their monthly stipend will receive it.

If you receive a PCAFC decision and disagree with that decision, the options to seek further review or appeal of the decision remain the same. Information about review and appeal options for PCAFC decisions can be found on the VA Caregiver Support Program (CSP) website.

More information about VA Caregiver Support Program