Friday, February 2, 2018 Categories:
VA Health

The Fargo VA offers "Advanced Care Planning every day Monday-Friday from 11:00 a.m. -- 12:00 p.m. at the Fargo VA Medical Center. Planning sessions are held in Room 1C-86. Those veterans located near Community Based Outreach Clinics (CBOC's) can visit their CBOC and attend via Video Conference (Call in V-TEL 9529100).

The Advanced Care Planning will offer Veterans, Spouses, Family and VA Employees an opportunity to:

  • complete a healthcare directive that lets your providers and family know what your personal values are.
  • complete an advanced directive which lets you make preferences about your healthcare.
  • determine who will speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself.

For more information call:

Ann Adams-Hove at 701-239-3700 Ext. 9-4166


Chales Diggins at 701-239-3700 Ext. 9-4323