Thursday, October 8, 2015 Categories:

At their September Conference in Florida the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs (NASDVA) honored North Dakota Commissioner of Veterans Affairs Lonnie Wangen with their highest award the “Iron Mike”. Admiral Clyde W. Marsh (ret.) and Colonel John Scocos (ret.) presented the Iron Mike award to Commissioner Wangen during an awards banquet.

Over the last year Commissioner Wangen has lead NASDVA to many successes and has played an important role in working closely with the Federal VA’s top leaders to affect the change in how we will better serve our veterans in the future. Commissioner Wangen attended many meetings with the Federal VA’s Secretary and key staff, addressed emergent needs of our veterans while working with our nations congressional leaders and in testimony to the US Congress. 

Commissioner Wangen’ hard work and leadership has strengthened NASDVA’s partnership with the Federal VA and has improved our ability to serve our veterans into the future. Commissioner Wangen is the son of Floyd and Vaughn Wangen of Harvey ND.

Past recipients of the Iron Mike include; US Veterans Affairs Secretaries James Nicholson and Eric Schinseki, Governors Bob Riley (AL) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA), US Representatives Bob Filner (CA) and Mike Michaud (ME). Commissioner Wangen is the first recipient from North Dakota.