The flags along the Liberty Memorial Bridge in Bismarck only go up on certain days.
We'll show you a group making sure they are up and flying at half-staff.
Averi Haugesag reports.

These men have been hard at work since 10 a.m. on Wednesday.
"It doesn't take us long, these guys have been doing this a long time," says Lyle Schuchard.
They're working to put the flags up on the Liberty Memorial Bridge in Bismarck.
"When the ropes are up so long the weather beats them to death and the wind is really bad on them so every once and awhile we have to pull them down and put new ropes on," says Schuchard.
Normally when they work, they aren't wearing t-shirts.
They're in uniform.
"The AM Vets Post number nine wanted to get some veterans involved," says Robert Olzweski.
Robert Olzweski has served in the military for almost 40 years.
"I've loved the military ever since I was 18 years-old and I'm still pretty active, even with the local Army reserve out here in Bismarck," says Olzweski.
"For these four members of the Honor Guard, putting up these flags is more than a job," says Averi Haugesag, News Reporter.
"The main thing is that for all the, these flags represent all veterans and I really enjoy putting these up," says Olzweski.
Olzweski says he wants to help honor fellow soldiers.
"I'm really honored to help put all these flags up to represent all the people that didn't get a home coming and so this represents that," says Olzweski.
Olzweski himself almost didn't make it home.
"In 68 and 69 I was wounded in Vietnam and so they awarded me the purple heart," says Olzweski.
Even after receiving the award, his heart still belonged to the military.
"For some reason I didn't think I had got enough so so in 2003, I went back to Afghanistan and enduring freedom," says Olzweski.
Now 67 years-old, Olzweski has yet to take off his uniform.
This Wednesday, he puts the flags up at half-staff to commemorate soldiers who were shot and killed in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
"The ones today represent those soldiers that got killed, so that's why we're doing it today. To honor those folks also," says Olzweski.
Each flag will remain waving to salute both veterans and those still serving.
And, in this case to honor the fallen.
There are 20 flags along the Liberty Memorial Bridge in Bismarck.

By Averi Haugesag
KX News
Published July 22, 2015