Thursday, April 9, 2015 Categories:
Agent Orange

We're still reminded to never forget those missing in action or any prisoners of war from the Vietnam conflict, but there's one other issue that still stands out.

Senator Richard Marcellais has been wearing orange to bring awareness to the need for more fundingĀ for Vietnam veterans exposed to agent orange during the war. He says there are approximately 15,000 veterans of that war in North Dakota, including himself, who served there from 1968 to 1969.

A bill he sponsored would provide funding so these veterans are notified about a program offered through the VA in Fargo that would give them a free health exam and inform them of possible long-termĀ health problems related to agent orange exposure.

"Agent orange causes about 13 different cancer diseases and, according to the research, it could last for seven generations," said Sen. Richard Marcellais, D-Belcourt.

The bill started with an appropriation of $100,000. It was cut to $50,000, but senator Marcellais hopes it will get to at least $75,000 before passed.

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By Jessica Roose
Published April 7, 2015