World War I
Company / Ship / Flight or equivalent:
Field Hospital No. 136, 109th Sanitary Train
Died of broncho pneumonia, at Camp Dix, N. J., on Sept. 24, 1918.
Buried at Lisbon, N. Dak.
Name included on the All Veterans Memorial at State Capitol in Bismarck ND.
Information found in Volume 1, page 869 of the Official Roster of North Dakota Soldiers, Sailors and Marines.
Not a registrant, enlisted prior. Born, Lisbon, N. Dak., Aug. 5, 1897, of American parents. Occupation - carpenter. Enlisted in Field Hospital, 1st Infantry, North Dakota National Guard, at Lisbon, on May 1, 1915. Called into federal service on June 19, 1916, for Mexican border duty and served there until discharge. Discharged from federal service at Fort Snelling, Minn., on Feb. 14, 1917, and resumed National Guard status. Called into federal service, World War, on July 15, 1917. Served in Field Hospital, 1st Infantry, North Dakota National Guard (Field Hospital No. 136, 109th Sanitary Train), to death. Grade: Sergeant, June 1, 1917.