A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 54-52.4-02, 54-52.4-04, and 54-52.4-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to ND state and political subdivision employee family medical leave.

54-52.4-02. Family leave. 1. An employer shall grant an employee's request for a family leave of absence for any of the following reasons

f. To care for the employee's child, regardless of age, spouse, or parent who is a covered service member or veteran with a serious health condition.

3. Notwithstanding the twelve-workweek limitation under subsections 2 and 4, leave under subdivision f of subsection 1 is limited to twenty - six workweeks of leave in any twelve-month period and is limited to once per service member or veteran per serious injury or illness.


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Senate Workforce Development - Fort Lincoln Room House Industry, Business and Labor - Room JW 327C
Asset Type
PASSED SENATE 45-0 SENATE Refused to Concur- Conference Committee Assigned Conference Committee Amended to Comply with Federal FMLA law.