A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 12-46-05, 12-47-07, 15-02-01, 15-02-04, 18-01-01, 20.1-02-06, 20.1-02-08, 25-01-04, 27-03-02, 37-15-07, 37-18-07, subsection 3 of section 37-18.1-03, sections 39-03-06, 44-03-01, 49-01-03, 54-11-07, 54-23.3-04, 54-44-03, subsection 2 of section 54-52-04, sections 55-02-01.1, 61-03-02, 65-02-02, and 65-04-30 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to bonds required of state officers; and to repeal sections 6-01-12, 15-12-06, 20.1-02-12, 27-04-02, 44-01-13, 54-06-11, 54-09-06, 54-10-03, 54-11-14, 54-18-08, and 57-01-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to bonds required of state officers.

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Senate Government and Veterans Affairs House Government and Veterans Affairs
Senator Wardner Senator Krebsbach Representative D. Johnson Representative Klein