This is a comprehensive list of different kinds of Mental Health resources that are available to Veterans. These resources vary from getting in person help to working on your breathing skills at home. We hope that you will find these resources useful!
Below is a list of phone lines that are able to help provide you with mental health resources:
- Fargo Vet Center – 701-237-0942
- Military OneSource – 1-800-342-9647
Below is a list of phone lines that are able to help during a mental health crisis:
- Veteran’s Crisis Line – 1-800-273-8255
- MN/ND Suicide and Crisis Lifeline – 988
- Fargo Region Crisis Line – 701-298-4500
- Clay County Crisis Response - 1-800-223-4512
Below are websites that provide mental health resources:
- Give An Hour -
- Cass Public Health (self-help) -
- InnerWorld (online virtual community. Free for vets and families) -
- Mental Health Toolkit -
- Real Warriors Campaign -
Below are apps that are able to teach you different practices to help your mental health:
Breath2Relax - Provides instruction on diaphragmatic "belly" breathing, which helps lower stress and reduce anxiety. Graphics, animation, narration, and videos lead users through several breathing exercises.
Decide + Be Ready - This app provides an interactive way for service members to learn about birth control options and help think through what is important to them about the method they choose.
Deployment Readiness Education for Service Women - The Deployment Readiness Education for Servicewomen app empowers women by providing a one-stop resource for women’s health concerns before, during, and after deployment.
Pain & Opioid Safety - Serves those coping with pain by providing information, resources, and an effective mechanism for tracking pain. The app contains information and FAQs for patients on the use of opioids in pain management, as well as tools and materials for providers using opioids in clinical practice
Tactical Breather - Provides guided breathing instruction to gain control over heart rate, emotions, concentration, and other physiological and psychological responses during stressful situations.
Virtual Hope Box - Contains simple tools to help users with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking using personalized audio, video, pictures, games, mindfulness exercises, activity planning, inspirational quotes, and coping statements.
Chill Drills by Military OneSource is presented by Heidi J. Bauer, MSW, LCSW, a therapist who works with service members and their families. She developed these guided drills for the military community to help create calm by slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure and reducing the level of stress hormone in the body.
Below is a list of different mobile and web resources that are available to be used through the VA.
Additional resources are available on the Heroes Compass Websites Blog section.
- Their blog can be accessed here
We hope that you find these different mental health resources helpful! Thanks again to Mason Krebsbach for providing this comprehensive list to us!