[H. B. No. 99.)
AN AC'T to Amend Sections 2, 5 and 13 of Chapter 165 of the Laws of 1890, Entitled" An Act for the Establishment, Government and Maintenance of a Soldiers' Home.''
Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:
§ l. AMENDMENT.] That Section 2 be amended to read as follows:
§ 2. OBJECT OF SOLDIERS' HOME-WHO MAY BE ADMITTED.] The object of the Soldiers' Home shall be to provide a home and subsistence for all honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines who have served in the army or navy of the United States, and who are disabled by disease, wounds, old age or otherwise and their wives and widows; Provided, That no applicant shall be admitted to said home who has not been a resident of this State at least one year next preceding his application for admission therein, unless he served in a Dakota regiment, or was accredited to the Territory of Dakota.
§ 2. AMENDMENT.] That Section 5 be amended to read as follows:
§ 5. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS-HOW APPOINTED.] The general supervision and government of the Soldiers' Home shall be vested in a board of five commissioners, each of whom shall have served in the army or navy of the United States, who shall be ap pointed by the Governor by and with the consent of the Senate of the State of North Dakota, no two of whom shall be from the same county, except the county wherein said institution is located, from which at least two of the members of said board shall be appointed. The members of said board shall hold their respective offices for the term of two, three, four and five years respectively, except the chairman of said board, who shall hold his office for one year only. The time for which each of the members of said board shall hold such office shall be designated in his certificate of appointment; Provided, That when not otherwise in competent in the opinion of the Governor, he shall appoint as chairman of said board of commissioners the commander or chief officer of that organization known as the Grand Army of the Republic, and the appointment of such chairman shall be made each year immediately after his election by said organization with out the advice or consent of the Senate. The compensation of said commissioners shall be three dollars per day each, for not exceed ing twenty-four days in any one year, and necessary expenses, while performing duties as such commissioner.
3. AMENDMENT.] That Section 13 be amended to read as follows:
§ 13. FUNDS-HOW KEPT.] All moneys that may arise from the interest received on all money derived from the sale of lands herein before or that may hereafter be appropriated for said home, including all money that may be received from the renting of said lands, and all moneys that may be hereafter appropriated for said home by the State of North Dakota, including all money raised in any other manner or donated to said home shall be deposited with the State Treasurer, to be by him transmitted, at least once in every sixty days to the institution treasurer, if he shall have qualified as provided by law, and such money when received by said institution treasurer shall be used exclusively for the benefit of said home as may be herein or hereafter provided by law.
§ 4. EMERGENCY.] Whereas, an emergency exists in this, that it is necessary to appoint commissioners for the Sold1eirs Home as herein provided long prior to the first day of July, 1893; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.
Approved, February 18, 1893.