Administrative Committee on Veterans Affairs (ACOVA) Membership and Compensation

Origination: Rep. Grande, Sen. Dever

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 37-18.1-01, 37-18.1-02, and 37-18.1-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the administrative committee on veterans' affairs; and to repeal section 37-18.1-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to compensation for the administrative committee on veterans' affairs. 

This bill would...

  • Reduce ACOVA from 15 to 3 voting members and 3 non-voting ex-officio members
    • Three voting members:
      • Director of Department of Human Services
      • Secretary of State
        • Secretary of the Committee
      • State Treasurer
        • Chairman of the Committee
    • Three Ex-officio non-voting members
      • Veterans Administration director
      • Job Service Director
      • ND National Guard Adjutant General
    • **NOTE: No veterans on ACOVA
  • Commissioner appointed by Governor
  • Commissioner may appoint an advisory committee for recommendations


  • Removed language of original bill
  • Governance of Veterans Home changes;
    • Removes ACOVA from general supervision and government
    • Places Veterans Home Governing Board as general supervision and goverment
    • 7 member Governing Board
      • Appointed by Governor
      • 5 members must meet qualification as a veteran under NDCC 37-01-40
      • Members to receive compensation of $135 per day
    • Veterans Home Administrator appointed and serves at the pleasure of the Governor
  • Governance of Department of Veterans Affairs
    • Governor Appoints Commissioner
      • Commissioner must meet qualification as a Veteran under NDCC 37-01-40
      • Works at the pleasure of the Governor
    • ACOVA
      • Removes current language of ACOVA
      • Creates 9 voting member board appointed by Governor ​
        • One member from each of the following organizations
          • American Legions
          • AMVETS
          • Disbled American Veterans
          • Veterans of Foreign Wars
          • Vietnam Veterans of America
        • Four members nominated from any organization or citizen
          • Each must qualify as a veteran under NDCC 37-01-40
      • Governor Appoints Chairman of the ACOVA
      • Ex-Officia members of ACOVA
        • ​Adjutant General
        • Director of Human Services
  • Executive Director of Job Service ND
  • Removes Powers and Duties of ACOVA and replaces with
    • Committee shall present matters needing attention and action to the apporopriate board, commission, agency or department of state
    • Committee shall create a strategice plan for delivery of services by the Committee
      • Annually report status of strategic plan to Governor
        • Add compensation of $135 per day and expenses
  • Committee recommended DO NOT PASS 8-5-0 HJ 700

FISCAL NOTE: $46,000


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House Government and Veterans Affairs
Asset Type
Representative Grande Senator Dever