Grants to Identify and Provide Services to Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

Bill origination: Representative Trottier, Wayne

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for the identification of and provision of services to veterans exposed to agent orange.

  • Provide $100,000 grant fund to the ND chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America for purposes of reaching out to Vietnam Veterans to educate them on Agent Orange.

House Amendment:

  • Changed from $100,000 to $50,000

Senate Amendment:

  • Added additional $25,000 from environmental and rangeland protection fund

House refused to concur: sent to conference committee: Representatives Rohr, Seibel, and Amerman, Senators Dever, Poolman, and Marcellais.

  • Senate receded its amendments
  • Final bill to show $50,000


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Bill Actions and Hearings Bill Versions Bill History
House Government and Veterans Affairs Senate Government and Veterans Affairs
Asset Type
Representative Amerman Representative Boe Representative Fehr Representative D. Johnson Representative Kiefert Representative Paur Representative Trottier Senator Campbell Senator Marcellais Senator Miller