Create Patriotic Number License Plates, DAV Plate Changes

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 39‑04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to patriotic number plates; and to amend and reenact subdivision j of subsection 2 of section 39‑04‑18 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to disabled veteran motor vehicle registration.

  • Create three (3) patriotic license plates available to general public
    • American Flag
    • Bald Eagle
    • Boony Stomper
    • Additional plates as approved by NDDVA
  • Funds from plates would go to Veterans Post War Trust Fund (PWTF) Principal
  • DAV Plates
    • Allow surviving spouse to retain one set of plates
    • Allow eligible veteran the option of other veteran plates and retain registration exemption
  • Fiscal Note: $488,532

House Amendments and Actions:

  • Changed initial fee from $20 to $25
  • Changed amount to Highway tax fund from $10 to $20
  • Changed amount to PWTF from $10 to $5
  • Removed requirement to report funds collected to legislative assemblies
  • Removed additional plates as approved by NDDVA
  • Removed veterans choice of plates from the DAV plate and replaced with a standard plate
  • Added surviving spouse to retain one plate

Senate Transportation Amendments:

  • Changed wording of the Logos to be used
  • Changed effective date from January 1, 2016 to July 1, 2016

Senate Appropriations Amendments:

  • Changed entire bill to requirements of "Organizational plates requiring...
    • 50 pre-paid applicants for each plate
    • $1,500 fee for each plate

House refused to concur: Conference committee assigned: Representatives Meier, Ruby, Delmore and Senators Rust, Oehlke, and Axness

Conference Committee Amendments:

  • Senate receded from it's amendments 
  • Initial fee to be $25 with $20 going to Highway tax distribution fund and $5 to the PWTF
  • Annual fee of $25 with $10 going to the Highway tax distribution fund and $15 to the PWTF
  • 100% disabled veteran can chose DAV plate or Standard Plate
  • 100% dasabled veterans un-remarried surviving spouse to retain one plate
  • Boonie Stomper plate to be issued August 1, 2016
  • Flag and Bald Eagle plates to be issued July 1, 2017
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Bill Actions and Hearings Bill Versions Bill History
House Transportation Senate Transportation
Asset Type
Representative Meier Representative Fehr Representative Karls Representative Lefor Representative Owens Representative Porter Representative Steiner Representative Toman Representative Trottier Senator Carlisle Senator Oehlke