Tuition Reduction for Dependents of Disabled Veterans

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 15‑10‑18.2 and section 15‑10‑18.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to tuition reduction for dependents of disabled veterans based on disability ratings.

  • Dependents of veterans with a VA disability rating of 50-90% to receive tuition reduction equal to veterans disability rating
  • Fiscal note: $2,327,000

House Appropriations Amendment:

  • Removed 50% and replaced with 75%
  • Failed House

Content of bill amended and added to SB 2346 by House GVA

  • Amendment replaced 75% with 90%
  • Fiscal Note: $325,000

SB 2346 received "Do NOT Pass" from house Appropriations

Failed to pass

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House Education House Appropriations
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Representative Schatz Representative Fehr Representative Hunskor Senator Anderson Senator Dotzenrod Senator Schaible
Failed House 47-46