SCR 4009 - STUDY - Government Services. Aging Population. Guardian Services - 2009 - **Study Not Conducted**

Legislative Council Studies

A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Council to study the adequacy of governmental services, including judicial services, to respond to issues related to an aging population, including veterans, and to study the efficacy of statutes governing public administrator services and methods for the timely and effective delivery of guardianship services.

HB 1375 - NATIONAL GUARD - Group Life Insurance for Members Paid by Adjutant General ($250,000 Coverage) - 2011 - *HOUSE CHANGED TO STUDY*NOT CONDUCTED*

National Guard Group Life Insurance

Origination: Rep. DeKrey

Pay for first $250,000 of National Guard Members group life insurance premiums. Changed to an interim study of the benefits of ND and other state guard members.

HB 1437 - STUDY - Unauthorized Use of Name or Image of Military Members - 2007 - Failed Bill

Unauthorized Use of Name or Image of Military Members

A BILL for an Act to provide for a legislative council study of the feasibility and desirability of restricting the unauthorized use of the name or image of a current or former member of the military.

  • Makes theft of name or image of Armed Forces individual a crime.

HB 1518 - STUDY.LEGAL - Veterans and Military Members Criminal Justice - 2019 - FAILED HOUSE

Veterans and Military Members Criminal Justice Study

A BILL for an Act to provide for a legislative management study of issues relating to criminal defendants who are veterans or who are currently serving in the armed forces.

This bill would...

HCR 3047 - STUDY - Veterans Affairs - 2019

Study Veterans Affairs

A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying state and federal veterans' programs, the programs' eligibility requirements, and the efficiency of public or private entities responsible for the administration of state and federal veterans' programs to ensure all current and future North Dakota veterans receive the care, assistance, and benefits to which the veterans are entitled.

This bill would...

SB 2015 - STUDY - Veterans Home-Office of Management and Budget - 2019

Veterans Home-Study-Office of Management and Budget

SECTION 35. LEGISLATIVE MANAGEMENT STUDY - OTHER USES OF VETERANS' HOME FACILITIES. During the 2019-20 interim, the legislative management shall consider studying the feasibility and desirability of developing other allowable revenue generating uses of the veterans' home facilities and grounds in addition to the purposes identified in section 37-15-02.