HB 1016 - BUDGET - National Guard and Veterans Cemetery - 2013

Adjutant Generals Office Budget (NDNG)

  • Added:$600,000 additional for Veterans Bonus Program
  • Added additional $44,098 for Civil Air Patrol
  • Added additional $110,000 for Tuition Assistance
  • Added additional $70,089 for Veterans Cemetery ($647,006 total)
  • Added additional $9,531 for Reintegration program

SB 2097 - BURIAL/MEMORIAL - Adds child to Interment at State Veterans’ Cemetery Eligibility - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE

Interment at Veterans’ Cemetery Eligibility

  • Add: "a child who is without any sibling and who survives the veteran" to eligibility for internment at ND State Veterans Cemetary
  • Fiscal note: $350,000. Federal VA Cemetery Grants

HB 1104 - BUDGET - National Guard and Veterans Cemetery - 2015

North Dakota National Guard Operations

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 37‑01‑43, 37‑04‑16, 37‑07.2‑01, subsection 6 of 37‑28‑02, and section 37‑28‑03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the operation of the North Dakota national guard; and to declare an emergency.