37-01-06: Seizure of property by governor to avert strike or lockout and to avert disaster or calamity

The governor, as commander in chief of the military forces of this state, may take any measure necessary to prevent or avert any impending disaster or calamity which threatens to destroy life or property in this state, or which may entail loss of life or property, or result in great suffering or hardship among the people of this state.

37-01-04: Governor's authority to order out national guard - Reserve militia ordered out

In case of insurrection, invasion, tumult, riot, breach of the peace, or imminent danger thereof, to provide a presence at state ceremonial events, to provide assistance to political entities in search and rescue efforts or to respond to a potential natural or environmental hazard or nuisance, or to perform training activities, the governor may order into the active service of this state any part of the national guard that the governor may deem proper.

37-01-04.1: National guard emergency - Costs - Application to emergency commission

Whenever the governor orders the national guard or any portion thereof into the active service of the state in accordance with sections 37-01-04 and 37-01-06, the adjutant general shall determine and record the costs of the national guard in performing such service.

37-01-03: Articles of uniform code of military justice applicable in state

The articles of uniform code of military justice governing the armed forces of the United States as codified in the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, as effective through 2010, now in effect, are a part of this title so far as the same are applicable and not modified by any provision of this title.

37-01-02: Armed military force from another state entering this state for military duty prohibited

No armed military force from another state, territory, or district may enter this state for the purpose of doing military duty herein without the permission of the governor, unless such force is a part of the United States army or is acting under the authority of the United States of America.

37-01-01: Definitions

1. "Active militia" means the organized and uniformed military forces of this state known as the "North Dakota national guard" and the reserve militia when called to active service.


37-01-40. Veteran and wartime veteran defined - Uniform service dates for wartime veterans

1. A "veteran" is an individual who has served on continuous federalized active military duty for one hundred eighty days or the full period for which the individual was called or ordered to active military duty for reasons other than training, and who was discharged or released under other than dishonorable conditions. A discharge reflecting "expiration of term of service" or "completion of required service" or words to that effect qualifies the shorter term of service as making the individual a veteran.