SCR 4019 - EDUCATION - United States Flag Education - 2005

United States Flag Education

A concurrent resolution urging all educators to ensure that the schoolchildren of North Dakota are taught the history of the United States flag, that they are taught to respect the flag, to exercise proper flag etiquette, and to understand that the flag is the most visible and enduring symbol of the American spirit.

SB 2007 - BUDGET - Veterans Home - 2017

Appropriations - North Dakota Veterans Home: Legislative Appropriations Bill

Pre-approved by ND Veterans Home Director and ACOVA.

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the ND Veterans Home. Governors budget rate at 90% of 2015-2017 base budget.

This bill is to be combined with SB2067 by end of session. SB2007 will be final ND Veterans Home budget.

SB 2025 - BUDGET - Department of Veterans Affairs - 2017

Appropriations - ND Department of Veterans Affairs (NDDVA) Budget: Legislative Appropriations Bill

Pre-approved by Commissioner and ACOVA.

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of veterans' affairs. Governors budget rate at 90% of 2015-2017 base budget.

NDDVA Requested budget changes: Optional Package-NOT included in budget.

  • Restore Base Budget funding to $98,900. Gov.