HB 1289 - EDUCATION - State funds for unfunded Veterans Upward Bound Program now VET - 2013

Veterans Upward Bound

  • $325,000 appropriated for Veterans Upward Bound program
  • Provides classroom instruction which prepares veterans for college
  • Provide assistance to eligible veterans enrolled at or in process of enrolling at institute of higher education in ND or adjacent state institution participating in course exchange agreement with ND institution
  • ND Department of veterans affairs may accept and expend gifts, grants, and donations for providing additional assistance to eligible veterans

HB 1306 - FINANCIAL.PROPERTY TAX - Raise Disabled veteran credit from $120,000 to $150,000 - 2013

Homestead Tax Credit

  • Increases property tax exemption limit for disabled veterans from $120,000 full and True ($5,400 taxable value) to $150,000 ($6,750 taxable value)
  • Effective date of 12-31-2012. And 12-31-2013 for mobile homes.
  • Fiscal note: $477,000. State general funds reimbursement

HB 1308 - FINANCIAL - Melvin Norgard Memorial Fund used strictly for Veterans Home recommend to ACOVA - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE

Melvin Norgard Memorial Fund

  • Allow veterans home administrator to expend funds up to $10,000. Over $10,000 must be approved by governing board.
  • Requires governing board gain ACOVA approval for expenditures
  • Expenditures made solely for projects and programs to benefit and serve the residents of the veterans home.

HB 1323 - PWTF - Create Patriotic License Plate Decals - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE

Patriotic License Plate Decals

Origination: Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVCC

  • Create "Patriotic License Plates" (Decals like military plates)
  • Four Patriotic license plates to be added with new ND license plate issue - proceeds go to Veterans PWTF
  • $15 initial fee and $10 annual fee
  • $10 initial to DOT, $5 initial to PWTF
  • $10 annual fee $5 to principal of PWTF $5 available for programs

HB 1405 - HEALTH/WELLBEING - Agent Orange. $50,000 Grant to conduct outreach to exposed veterans - 2013

Agent Orange

Origination: Representative Trottier, ACOVA, NDVCC

  • $50,000 appropriation of general funds to ND Department of Veterans Affairs to provide grants for the identification and provision of services to ND Veterans who had been exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam conflict.
  • Requires ND Department of Veterans Affairs to report to the budget section on the use and outcome of the grants awarded
  • Appropriations: $50,000

SB 2007 - BUDGET - Department of Veterans Affairs - 2013

ND DVA Budget

  • Veterans Affairs: Adds one FTE
  • Veterans Affairs: $15,000 for website improvements
  • Veterans Home funding: Demolish old veterans home $1,121,000
  • Veterans Home Approved: Hold over Veterans Home construction funds into next biennium to complete all billings
  • Veterans Home Approved: Carry over funding for Electronic Health record system into next biennium
  • Veterans Home Approved: Authorization of Melvin Norgard funds for construction of a workshop $788,200
  • Reduced Veterans Home operating budget by $50,000

SB 2073 - NATIONAL GUARD - Adds State Active Duty subject to UCMJ. Update Civil Relief and War Bonus Dates. Adds Motorcycle to NG Plates - 2013

ND National Guard UCMJ and License Plates

  • Adds state active duty time to be subject to discipline as set forth in USMJ
  • Changes to veteran definition dates for adjusted compensation (war bonus)
  • Adds motorcycle plates available for NDNG license plates
  • Fiscal note: $0

SB 2242 - APPRECIATION - Hunting License for 100% Disabled Veteran $3 - 2013

Hunting License for 100% Disabled

  • Added: Definition of a "Disabled Veteran"
  • Added: For a resident disabled veteran combined general game, habitat stamp, small game, and fur-bearer license $3
  • Fiscal note: $10,080. Not general fund dollars.
  • NDCC: 20.1-01-02 (15)    20.1-03-12 (54)