SB 2140 - HEALTH NOT VETERAN SPECIFIC - Diabetic Drugs and Supplies Cap on Co-Pays - 2023

Relating to accident and health insurance coverage of diabetes drugs and supplies; to amend and reenact section 26.1-36.6-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to public employees self-insurance health plans; to provide for application; to provide an effective date; and to declare an emergency.


  • Changed to ND Employees
  • Removed all language and replaced with new language.

SB 2345 - SPECIAL SESSION - NDNG: CG Housing Software NDDVA: Fisher House & Transportation. HBOT - 2021 Special Session

AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 27-20.4 and a new section to chapter 61-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to records and cooperative agreements to provide services to juveniles adjudicated in tribal court and the water projects stabilization fund; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 21-10-06 and section 27-20.2-21 of the North Dakota Century Code and section 3 of chapter 20 of the 2021 Session Laws, relating to funds invested by the state investment board, the inspection of juvenile court files, and the appropriation of additional amounts to the stat

HB 1109 - NATIONAL GUARD - Visitation Proceedings Involving Activated Military Parent - 2013 - FAILED SENATE

Visitation Proceedings Involving Military Parent

  • Courts to take particular care to ensure child of military member called to active duty or may be called to active duty has maximum opportunity for contact with parent
  • Military members call to active duty service may not be a factor in court decisions to grant to deny a petition for visitation
  • Military member may petition for visitation rights for family member
  • Fiscal note: $0

HB 1310 - LAW/POLICY - Allows County Veteran Service Officer to serve as Conservator/Fiduciary if appointed by County Commission - 2013

CVSO as Conservator

Origination: Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVCC

  • Removes from NDCC 37-14-18 exemption for CVSOs to serve as conservator/fiduciary if appointed by County Commission
  • Fiscal note: $0.

HB 1405 - HEALTH/WELLBEING - Agent Orange. $50,000 Grant to conduct outreach to exposed veterans - 2013

Agent Orange

Origination: Representative Trottier, ACOVA, NDVCC

  • $50,000 appropriation of general funds to ND Department of Veterans Affairs to provide grants for the identification and provision of services to ND Veterans who had been exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam conflict.
  • Requires ND Department of Veterans Affairs to report to the budget section on the use and outcome of the grants awarded
  • Appropriations: $50,000

HB 1424 - HEALTH/WELLBEING.STUDY - Nontraditional Treatments for PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) - 2013 - Study not Conducted

Study on Treatments for PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

  • A study for nontraditional healing therapies, massage, healing touch, reflexology, stress management, yoga, hyperbaric chamber treatments and gathers information on the needs of women veterans.
  • Appropriations: $0.