HB 1504 - FINANCIA. PWTF Gaming Tax Added to Principal and NDDVA for Homeless Prevention - 2025

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 53-06.1-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to allocation of veteran service organization gaming taxes.

NDCC 53-06.1-12 (5) The attorney general shall deposit fifty percent of gaming taxes, monetary fines, and interest and penalties collected from a veteran organization equally among the veterans' postwar trust fund and the department of veterans affairs fund 410 for use for homeless veterans' services to prevent and eliminate homelessness.

HB 1157 - HOUSING - Funding for construction of a Fisher House in ND - 2023

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of veterans' affairs for providing grants for the construction of the Fisher house.

Intent of Bill...

  • Provide $500,000 from state funds for construction cost of Fisher House at the Fargo VA Health Care Services.


  • Changed from General Funds to ARPA Funds



SB 2345 - SPECIAL SESSION - NDNG: CG Housing Software NDDVA: Fisher House & Transportation. HBOT - 2021 Special Session

AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 27-20.4 and a new section to chapter 61-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to records and cooperative agreements to provide services to juveniles adjudicated in tribal court and the water projects stabilization fund; to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 21-10-06 and section 27-20.2-21 of the North Dakota Century Code and section 3 of chapter 20 of the 2021 Session Laws, relating to funds invested by the state investment board, the inspection of juvenile court files, and the appropriation of additional amounts to the stat