HB 1107 - EDUCATION - Resident Student Tuition Rate Armed Forces, Veterans and Dependents - 2021

EDUCATION: Resident Student Tuition Rate Armed Forces, Veterans and Dependents

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVLC, NDNG and TF M.I.N.D.

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 15-10-19.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the definition of a resident student for tuition purposes.

Final Outcome of Bill ...

  • Add as resident student for tuition purposes...
    • Member, spouse and dependents of National Guard and Reserve in any state
    • Member, spouse and dependents of active duty armed forces in any state

SB 2175 - EMPLOYMENT - Military Member and Spouse Licensure Portability, Access and Compacts - 2021

EMPLOYMENT. Military Member and Spouse Licensure Portability, Access and Compacts

Pre-approved: Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVLC, NDNG & TF M.I.N.D.

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 3 of section 15.1-13-17 and sections 43-51-01, 43-51-11, 43-51-11.1, and 43-51-11.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to occupational licensure of members of the military and military spouses; and to provide for a report.

This bill would...

HB 1166 - EMPLOYMENT - Licensure Compact - 2021

EMPLOYMENT. Licensure Compact

Pre-approved Commissioner, NDVLC, NDNG and TF M.I.N.D

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 3 of section 15.1-13-17 and sections 15.1-13-17.1, 15.1-18-12, 43-51-11.1, and 43-51-11.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to occupational licensing of foreign practitioners who are residents of the state; and to provide for a report to the legislative management.

Final Outcome of Bill...

Updated the verbiage of certain licensure requirements