Intent of legislative bill:

  1. Pro-rated for part-time students (45 months or 10 Semesters)
    1. Example: ½ time status uses only ½ month or semester
    2. Currently even 1 class in a month=full month utilized
    3. Reason: Difficult for surviving spouse to go to school full time, work and take care of children.
  2. Used for bachelor’s or master’s etc.
    1. Allow 45 months or 10 Semesters for any educational goal
      1. Due to highbred classes
      2. If taking more than 12 credit hours and finish early-can continue towards masters etc.
  3. NDCC 15-10-18.2 and 15-10-18.3

(From ND Veteran/Military Affairs Advisory Committee)

No fiscal note expected


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Houe Education Committee Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Fort Union Room
Representative Pyle
Proposed by NDVLC for possible bill sponsor PASSED SENATE 47-0 SIGNED BY GOVERNOR