68th Legislative Session - 2023
SB 2240 TF MIND. Base Retention Funding Grant Minot, Grand Forks and Fargo -- 2023
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of commerce for the base retention grant program.
SB 2198 - EMPLOYMENT - State employee leave to care for child, spouse or parent who is a Veteran or Service member. - 2023
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 54-52.4-02, 54-52.4-04, and 54-52.4-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to ND state and political subdivision employee family medical leave.
54-52.4-02. Family leave. 1. An employer shall grant an employee's request for a family leave of absence for any of the following reasons
f. To care for the employee's child, regardless of age, spouse, or parent who is a covered service member or veteran with a serious health condition.
SB 2187 - TOP TEN - Adoption of Counseling Compact - 2023
Relating to adoption of the counseling compact.
NDCC 43-47.1-01
SB 2205 - TOP TEN. Adoption of Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact - 2023
A BILL for an Act to create and enact chapter 43-32.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to adoption of the psychology interjurisdictional compact.
- Added: "predoctoral Supervised psychological internship" and "The board may adopt rules and standards to establish a predoctoral supervised psychological internship program." to NDCC 43-32
SB 2182 TOP TEN - Add DOD Child Care Program to Definition of "Early Childhood Services" - 2023
50-11.1-02. Definitions. (Effective through June 30, 2025) As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:
k. A child care program certified by and in good standing with the United States department of defense family child care certification program, in accordance with department of defense instruction 6060.02, child development programs.
SB 2140 - HEALTH NOT VETERAN SPECIFIC - Diabetic Drugs and Supplies Cap on Co-Pays - 2023
Relating to accident and health insurance coverage of diabetes drugs and supplies; to amend and reenact section 26.1-36.6-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to public employees self-insurance health plans; to provide for application; to provide an effective date; and to declare an emergency.
- Changed to ND Employees
- Removed all language and replaced with new language.
HB 1452 - FINANCE - Create Foreign Influence Tax Fund. 50% of Tax to Benefit Veterans - 2023 - FAILED HOUSE
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new chapter to title 57 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to imposition of the foreign influence tax and creation of the foreign influence tax fund; and to provide an effective date
HCR 3012 - NATIONAL GUARD - Deployment of National Guard Only When Congress Declares War - 2023 - FAILED HOUSE
A concurrent resolution recognizing the constitutional duty of Congress to declare war and the unconstitutional deployment of military personnel to active duty pursuant to clause 11 of section 8 of article I of the United States Constitution.
SB 2390 - GAMING NOT VETERAN SPECIFIC - Limit Electronic Pull Tab Payout to 88%. Donate to child charities - 2023 - FAILED SENATE
Relating to electronic pull tab payout limitations and the use of charitable gaming gross proceeds.
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