Intent of legislative Bill:

ND Veterans Affairs Budget Optional requests

NDDVA Request and Governor recommendations.

  1. Staff salary equity funding.
    1. NDDVA requested $289,710.
    2. Governor recommended $102,000.
    3. House reduced to $85,000.
    4. Senate
    1. NDDVA requested return of 1 FTE's lost in 2017 RIF's.
    2. Communications director $199,756     
      1. Governor did NOT recommend. 
      2. House did NOT approve.
      3. NDDVA changed to Deputy Commissioner position.
      4. Senate did NOT approve.
  3. 1 FTE Approved 
    1. NDDVA requested return of 1 FTE's lost in 2017 RIF's.
      1. Veterans Benefits Specialist $175,510 
      2. Governor recommended 1-FTE (move Part Time Temp to FTE). 
        1. Using $68,000 federal funds supplanted from HRTG.
        2. Using state general funds for remainder
      3. House approved this FTE.
        1. Reduced $68,000 supplanted funds to $18,000 as bargaining chip.
      4. Senate approved House amendment.
  4. 1 Additional DAV Van Approved
    1. NDDVA requested funding for one more vehicle $18,800 (1 in base budget. Total of 2 vans at $37,600)
      1. Governor recommended additional van.
      2. House approved additional van.
      3. Senate amended from General Funds to ARPA dollars. Approved.​​​​​​​​​​​
  5. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​$19,066 Retirement funding
    1. NDDVA requested $19,066.
      1. ​​​​​​​Governor recommended at $19,066.
      2. House approved at $19,066.
      3. Senate approved at $19,066.
  6. $100,860 Scanning grants for all DD214’s in County and Tribal offices
    1. NDDVA requested: ($78,000-$324,000 as bids were pending during session)   
      1. Governor recommended at $78,000. From General Funds
      2. House approved at $78,000 (waiting on bid results from procurement)
      3. Senate amended to $100,860 (based on bids received) From: ARPA dollars.


  • Supported Governor Recommendations except...
    • ​​​​​​​Reduced equity funding by -$17,000
    • Removed PTSD dog funding from base budget -$50,000.
      • ​​​​​​​allowed carry over of past biennium.
    • ​​​​​​​Replaced $50,000 of supplanted federal (HRTG) funds with general funds.


  • Supported Governor Recommendations amended...
    • ​​​​​​​Equity funding as OMB budget committee recommends.
    • Amended 1 time funding items from General Funds to ARPA dollars.
      • ​​​​​​​1 DAV Van $18,800
      • Scanning Project $100,860
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House Appropriations HR - Harvest Room Senate Appropriations-Roughrider Room
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Proposed by NDDDVA PASSED SENATE 47-0 as amended HOUSE refused to Concur. Conference Committees assigned HOUSE Acceded to Senate Amendments