Intent of Legislative Bill:

  1. Funding to offset the cost of Veteran Service Organizations Honor Guard expenses
  2. Fiscal note expected: $200,000

Relating to creation of the military honors funeral funds and reimbursement for funeral services; to provide an appropriation; and to provide a continuing appropriation.



  • Reduced from $200,000 to $135,000 (House appropriations action)
  • Added: If a veterans' service organization has received federal reimbursement for providing a funeral service for a military honors funeral, the veterans' service organization may not apply for reimbursement under this section.


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House Government and Veterans Affairs House Appropriations Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Fort Union Room Senate Appropriations HR Committee - Roughrider Room
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Representative Matt Ruby
Proposed by NDNG and NDDVA for possible bill sponsor PASSED SENATE 47-0 SIGNED BY GOVERNOR