Intent of Legislative Bill:

ND Legislative Assembly resolution to US Congress

  1. Add names of sailors who died on the USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) 3 June 1969 while engaged in Operation Sea Spirit to the Vietnam War Memorial Wall.
  2. Lost 74 included 1 ND resident: BM3 Patrick G. Glennon-North Dakota-Wells County

  3. Website: FRANK E. EVANS


A concurrent resolution urging the 118th Congress to take favorable action on S. 849 and H.R. 7972, to provide for the inclusion on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall the names of the lost crew members of the U.S.S. Frank E. Evans.


  • Added 2 ND names to resolution.
    • Patrick Gene Glennon of Fessenden
    • Robert James Seale of Grand Forks


Additional Links
Bill Versions Bill Actions Bill Video Bill Hearings Bill Testimony
House Government and Veterans Affairs Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Fort Union Room
Asset Type
Representative Schauer
Proposed by NDVLC for possible bill sponsor PASSED SENATE FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE