A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the veterans' home.

Optional package

  • $750,000 resident garages and storage units (From: Melvin Norgard Funds)
    • Governor recommended $750,000. (From: Melvin Norgard Funds)
    • House approves $750,000. 
    • Senate approves $750,000.
  • $1,100,000.00 parking lot and road repairs (From: Special Funds)
    • Governor recommended $750,000 (From: Strategic Investment and Improvement Funds).
    • House approves $600,000.
    • Senate approves $1,100,000 (Changed to: Special Funds)
  • $125,750 equipment purchases (From: Special Funds)
    • Governor recommended at $108,900.
    • House approves $125,750.
    • Senate approves $$125,750.
  • $478,930 Thermostat and air handling repairs/replacement (From: Federal ARPA Funds)
    • NDVH requested $150,000 (From: Special Funds)
    • Governor-NOT recommended.
    • House approves $328,930 (Federal ARPA funds)
    • Senate approves $478,930 (Federal ARPA funds)
  • Senate added a study of veterans' home.
    • Interim 2023-24 shall consider legislative study.
    • Study current duties and responsibilities of:
      • ACOVA
      • Veterans Home Governing board
      • Veterans' Home Administrator
      • any organizational changes necessary to...
        • provide services for veterans and spouses.
        • increase resident census at veterans home.
        • accomplish goals of strategic plan
        • ensure long-term viability of the veteran's home.
Additional Links
Bill Actions Bill Versions Bill Video Bill Hearings
House Appropriations HR - Harvest Room Senate Appropriations HR - Roughrider Room
Asset Type