H. B. No. 219— (Caddell and Magill)


An Act requiring the Adjutant General to secure information and keep records of and concerning the burial places of deceased war veterans who died in or are buried in the State of North Dakota and to provide methods and means of performing this duty. 

Be It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota: 

§ 1. Veteran's Burial Places Compiled.] 

Sub-division 1. The Adjutant General of this State shall com pile and keep a record of the burial places within this State of soldiers, sailors or marines who served in the military or naval forces of the United States in time of war. Such record, so far as practicable, shall indicate the name of each of such persons ; the service in which he was engaged ; the number of the regiment or company, if a soldier, and of the command, if a sailor or marine; the rank and period of service; the name and location of the cemetery or other place in which his body is interred ; the location of the grave in such cemetery or other place ; the character of headstone or marker if any, at such grave. 

Sub-division 2. The Adjutant General shall cause blank forms to be prepared whereby the information required shall be transmitted to him. Every person or corporation, including a municipal corporation, owning or controlling any cemetery or burial place within this State in which are (in-) interred the bodies of persons who served in the military or naval forces of the United States in time of war, shall file with the Adjutant General a certificate on the forms provided by him, of the facts required for such record, so far as the same are within the knowledge of such person or corporation or its agents. The Adjutant General shall cause blank certificates to be distributed to such persons, officers, and corporations as he deems advisable, with a request that such information be transmitted to him, but the failure to receive such blank and request shall not relieve any person, officer, or corporation from his obligation to comply with this Section, within ninety days after it takes effect. 

Sub-division 3. It shall be the duty of the Adjutant General to make a careful investigation, inquiry, and examination for the purpose of collecting and checking the records required to be compiled and kept by this statute. 

§ 2. Officers to Furnish Lists of Sites of Unmarked Graves.] It shall be the duty of the Mayor of each city, and incorporated town, the Commissioners or Supervisors of each village and township and the County Judge of each County in this State on request of the Adjutant General to furnish data to the Adjutant General relative to unmarked graves of all soldiers, sailors and marines by giving a list of the sites of such unmarked graves in their respective cities or Counties. 

§ 3. Identification of Veteran's Graves.] The undertaker or other person in charge of the burial of any, shall ascertain, and set forth in the certificate required of him, whether such deceased person was a veteran of any war in which the United States of America was engaged, and if so what war. 

Approved March 6, 1937.

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