[H.B. No. 97.]


AN ACT Entitled An Act Empowering and Authorizing the Governor of the State of North Dakota to Furnish Arms and Equipments to all Grand Army Posts in Good Standing in the State of North Dakota.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota:

§ 1.  ARMS FOR G. A. R. POSTS, HOW SECURED.] The Governor of the State of North Dakota is hereby authorized and empowered to furnish to any Grand Army post in the State of North Dakota, not to exceed twenty-five stands of arms, when a requisition is drawn upon him by such Grand Army post, signed by the commander and at least ten members of such post, accompanied by a good and sufficient bond, signed by the proper officer, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the Governor, conditioned that said Grand Army post and the surities thereon are bound in double the value of the arms so furnished, that arms and equipments will be properly cared for and returned to the State of North Dakota, upon the call of the Governor thereof, in as good condition as when received by such post, ordinary wear and tear excepted; Provided, That it shall be the duty of the inspector general of the State militia to visit annually the Grand Army posts having such guns and inspect their condition, said officer to make a report to the Governor of such inspection.      If the report of the said in­ spector general is to the effect that the said guns are not properly stored and cared for, then it shall be the duty of the Governor to recall the loan of such guns.

§ 2. EMERGENCY.] Whereas an emergency exists in that it is necessary that said arms and equipments shall be furnished long prior to July 1, 1891, therefore this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved February 21, 1891.

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