NDNG: Armed Forces Jusitified Use of Deadly Force to Protect Nuclear Weapon
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subsection to section 12.1-05-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the use of deadly force when protecting nuclear assets; and to declare an emergency.
This bill would...
- Allow members of the armed forces to use deadly force to protect Nuclear Weapon, Components or Nuclear Explosive device from;
- loss
- theft, destruction
- sabotage; or
- unauthorized control
- Committee recommended DO PASS 7-0-0
- PASSED Senate 46-0 SJ 165
- Signed by Senate President 3/19/2021 SJ 910
- Received by House 1/13/2021 HJ 227
- Committee recommended DO PASS 14-0-0 HJ 1123
- PASSED Senate 94-0 Emergency Clause carried HJ 1165
- Signed by House Speaker 3/18/2021 HJ 1203
Signed by Governor 3/23/2021 SJ 976
Fiscal Note: None
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Senate Government and Veterans Affairs
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