LEGAL. Veterans Court Docket 

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA , NDNG and NDVLC

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 12.1-32-02 and sections 19-03.1-23 and 39-08-01.5 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to drug court and the creation of a veterans treatment docket. 

This bill would...

  • Add a "Veterans Treatment Docket" to the NDCC under Drug Court.
  • Veterans Treatment Docket is a district court supervised docket
    • approved by the supreme court
    • combines judicial supervision with licensed treatment programs to treat
      • substance use disorders
      • mental health conditions
      • behavioral health conditions
      • traumatic brain injuries
      • military sexual trauma; and
      • co-occuring disorders
    • Supreme court may adopt rules including rules of procedure for veterans treatment dockets


  • Committee recommended DO PASS 7-0-0 SJ 304
  • PASSED Senate 40-6 SJ 313
  • Signed by Senate President 3/30/2021 SJ 1083


  • Received in House 1/29/2021 HJ 399
  • Committee recommended DO PASS 13-0-1 HJ 1217
  • PASSED House 87-6 HJ 1255
  • Signed by House Speaker 3/29/2021 HJ 1317

Signed by Governor 3/31/2021 SJ 1131

Fiscal note: $145,247 in SB 2002

4/21/2021: Funding removed by conference committee Video

4/29/2021: Last day of session funding added to OMB budget HB 1015 Section 11   Video of amendment


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Bill Actions and Hearings Bill Versions Committee Testimony
Senate Judiciary House Judiciary
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Senator Meyer