APPROPRIATIONS. ND National Guard. Office of the Adjutant General

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general; and to provide an exemption. 

Result of bill:

  • Camp Grafton Expansion $1,750,000 (up to 6 thousand acres)
  • Fraine Barracks automation system $320,000
  • ND Veterans Cemetery Spouse Burial Costs funding
  • Statewide maintenance projects$1,200,000
  • Dickinson readiness center project $15,500,000
  • Bridge training site $6,000,000
  • ND Military Museum-Fundraising Authority of $10 Million

Original Intent of Bill (optional package) ...

Provide key programs/projects...

  • Camp Grafton Expansion
  • ND Veterans Cemetery Spouse and Dependent Burial Costs
  • NDNG Upgrade Bade and HVAC System
  • Fund Statewide Maintenance Projects
  • Department of Emergency Services (DES) Operations (Replace expired emergency supplies)
  • Air/Army Operations & Maintenance (Reduction)
  • ND Veterans Cemetery (Reduction)
  • Fargo Readiness Center Start Up and Utilities
  • Dickinson Readiness Center-Authority
  • Line of Communication Bridge Training Site-Authority
  • ND Military Museum-Fundraising Authority


  • Cut $2.6M from Camp Grafton South Expansion
  • Cut $1Million with $1.9Million of Federal Funds for deferred maintenance of State funded facilities
  • Cut 2 FTE's (Dispatchers) from State Radio. Vacant positions
  • Committee recommended DO PASS 18-0-3 HJ 868
  • PASSED House 86-6 HJ 1006
  • House refused to concur with Senate Amendments HJ 1715
  • Conference Committee appointed: Brandenburg Kempenich Mock HJ 1715


  • Added back $1.75M for Camp Grafton South Expansion
  • Added back $1Million for deferred maintenance of State funded facilities
  • Added back two FTE's (Dispatchers) to State Radio. Will be funded with Special Funds
  • Committee recommended DO PASS 14-0-0 SJ 1390
  • PASSED Senate 45-2  SJ 1403
  • House refused to concur Conference committee appointed: Krebsbach Rust Hogue SJ 1507


Additional Links
Bill Actions and Hearings Bill Versions Committee Testimony Video of Hearings
House Appropriations Senate Appropriations
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