Property Tax Credit for Disabled Veterans

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 57‑02‑08.8 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the property tax credit for disabled veterans and extension of the disabled veterans' property tax credit to the disabled veteran's surviving spouse; and to provide an effective date.

  • Changes to Property Tax exemption for Disabled Veterans to include credit for value of land:
    • Removes the wording: of the fixtures, buildings, and improvements
    • Changes from exemption to credit

Senate Amendment:

  • Changes to Property Tax exemption for surviving spouse of disabled veteran:
    • Allows a remarried spouse to regain eligibility if subsequent marriage ends

House Amendment:

  • Removed exemption for re-married spouse.

Senate refused to concur to House Amendment. Conference committee assigned: Senators Bekkedahl, Oehlke, Triplett and Representatives Froseth, Klein, and Mitskog

  • Senate Accede's House amendment
    • Exemption for re-married spouse remains removed from the bill
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Senate Finance and Taxation House Finance and Taxation
Asset Type
Tax Commissioner