37-01-30. Incurring of expenses by officers of militia - Auditing and payment of accounts

No officer of the militia may incur any expense whatsoever to be paid by this state, except such as is authorized in this title, without first obtaining the authority of the governor. In extreme emergencies, however, the commanding officer of any organization or detachment of the national guard may make purchases of such necessities as are absolutely required for the immediate use and care of that officer's command. A report of such action containing a statement of the articles purchased and the price thereof must be made forthwith through the channel of the adjutant general.

37-01-28. Failure of member of the militia to appear - Penalty

Every member of the militia who is ordered out or ordered on duty, who volunteers, or who is drafted under the provisions of this title, who does not appear at the time and place designated by that person's commanding officer, the adjutant general, or the mustering officer, who does not produce a sworn certificate of physical disability from a physician in good standing showing that person's inability to appear, must be taken as a deserter and dealt with as prescribed in the uniform code of military justice of the United States.

37-01-26. Pay of officers and enlisted men assigned to special duty

Any commissioned officer assigned to special duty by the governor or under the governor's authority must be paid duty pay for the time actually employed, and the officer's necessary traveling expenses and subsistence when such payment is authorized by the governor. Judge advocates must be paid such compensation as shall be approved by the governor for services in bringing any suits provided for in this title, and in actions or proceedings by habeas corpus, certiorari, or otherwise.

37-01-25.1. Reinstatement to former position - Appeals - Penalty

Any person referred to in section 37-01-25, who within ninety days after receiving a discharge other than dishonorable from such active noncivilian service, and who is not physically or otherwise incapacitated to perform the duties of the position formerly held by the person, applies for such position held by the person at the time of entering such active service, must be given such position or one of like seniority, status, and pay, and is immune to discharge from said position except for cause, as defined by the department of veterans' affairs, for a period of one year after entering upon