37-01-25. Officers and employees of state or political subdivisions in national guard or federal service to retain status

All officers and employees of this state or of a political subdivision thereof who:


1. Are members of the national guard;


2. Are members of the armed forces reserve of the United States of America;


3. Shall be subject to call in the federal service by the president of the United States; or


37-01-23. Custom and usage of the armed forces of the United States to govern national guard

All matters relating to the organization, discipline, and government of the national guard, not otherwise provided for in this title or in the general regulations, must be decided by the custom and usage of the armed forces of the United States.

37-01-22. Governor may make rules and regulations governing military forces in state

The governor may make such rules and regulations as deemed expedient for the government of the military forces of this state, but such rules and regulations must conform to the provisions of this title and, as nearly as practicable, to those governing the armed forces of the United States. When promulgated, such rules and regulations have the same force and effect as the provisions of this title and may not be repealed, altered, amended, or added to except by the commanding officer of the national guard with the approval of the governor.

37-01-21. Military parades by certain bodies prohibited - Exceptions - Penalty

No body of people, other than the regularly organized units of the national guard and militia and the troops of the United States, may associate themselves together as a military company or organization or parade in public with firearms, and no municipality may raise or appropriate any money toward arming or equipping, uniforming or in any other way supporting, sustaining, or providing drillrooms or armories for, any such body of people.

37-01-20. Penalty for resisting when state of insurrection exists

In a place declared by proclamation of the governor to be in a state of insurrection, any person who shall:


1. Resist the execution of process;


2. Aid the rescue or escape of another from lawful custody or confinement; or


3. Resist a force ordered out by the governor to quell or suppress an insurrection, is guilty of a class C felony.

37-01-19: Commanding officer may arrest trespassers and disturbers

Upon any occasion of duty, the commanding officer may place under arrest during the continuance of such duty any person who shall:


1. Trespass upon the campground, parade ground, armory, or other place devoted to such duty;


2. Interrupt or molest in any way or manner the orderly discharge of duty by those under arms; or


3. Disturb or prevent the passage of troops going to or returning from such duty.

37-01-16: Unlawful conversion of military property - Unlawful wearing of uniforms and devices indicating rank

Any person who shall:


1. Secretly sell, dispose of, offer for sale, purchase, retain after a demand made by a commissioned officer of the national guard, or in any manner pawn or pledge any arms, uniforms, equipment, or other military property issued under the provisions of this title; or