HB 1063 - EMPLOYMENT - Oasis Administration, Benefits, and Appropriations - 2003

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 52-09 and a new section to chapter 52-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to administration of the old-age and survivor insurance system and authority of the executive director of job service North Dakota; to amend and reenact section 52-09-03, subsection 4 of section 52-09-07, and subsections 6 and 9of section 52-09-20 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to administration of the old-age and survivor insurance system, primary insurance benefits under the old-age and survivor insurance system, authority of the ex

SB 2016 - BUDGET. NATIONAL GUARD- Appropriations - 2023

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the office of the adjutant general; and to provide an exemption.


Added request from SB 2307.

$71,000,000 to the adjutant general, including:

(1) $26,000,000 for a Williston armory project.     Senate approved $2.6 Million for design and engineering (ARPA Funds)

(2) $20,000,000 for a military museum project.     Senate did not approve. 

HB 1016 - BUDGET - National Guard and Veterans Cemetery - 2013

Adjutant Generals Office Budget (NDNG)

  • Added:$600,000 additional for Veterans Bonus Program
  • Added additional $44,098 for Civil Air Patrol
  • Added additional $110,000 for Tuition Assistance
  • Added additional $70,089 for Veterans Cemetery ($647,006 total)
  • Added additional $9,531 for Reintegration program