HB 1056 - NATIONAL GUARD - Members Pay for State Active Duty - 2013

NDNG Members Pay for State Active Duty

  • Adds to NG pay allowances: “Each enlisted member shall also receive a state active duty pay enhancement of one hundred dollars for every fourteen consecutive days spent on state active duty”.
  • Adds to NG pay allowances: “Each commissioned officer member shall also receive a state active duty pay enhancement of one hundred dollars for every fourteen consecutive days spent on state active duty”.
  • Emergency declared on this bill
  • Fiscal note: $10,000 for 2011-2013. $40,000 for 2013-2015.

HB 1057 - NATIONAL GUARD - Provides Adjutant General Coin, Disaster Response Coin & ND Flag for retirement - 2013

NDNG-Allows Adjutant General to Provide

  • Adds "Adjutant General Coin" to NDCC 37-01
  • Adds "Disaster Response Coin" to NDCC 37-01
  • Adds a North Dakota state flag may be presented upon retirement to NDNG members with 20 or more years of military service
  • Fiscal note: $20,000. No General funds appropriated

HB 1080 - NATIONAL GUARD - Workforce Safety Insurance Coverage for NG Members while on State Active Duty - 2013

WSI Coverage for NG Members while on State Active Duty

  • Adds definition of wages for ND members while on state active duty to include income from federal employment and may be included in determining the average weekly wage.
  • Fiscal note: $0.

SB 2007 - BUDGET - Department of Veterans Affairs - 2013

ND DVA Budget

  • Veterans Affairs: Adds one FTE
  • Veterans Affairs: $15,000 for website improvements
  • Veterans Home funding: Demolish old veterans home $1,121,000
  • Veterans Home Approved: Hold over Veterans Home construction funds into next biennium to complete all billings
  • Veterans Home Approved: Carry over funding for Electronic Health record system into next biennium
  • Veterans Home Approved: Authorization of Melvin Norgard funds for construction of a workshop $788,200
  • Reduced Veterans Home operating budget by $50,000

SB 2344 - HEALTH/WELLBEING - PTSD Service Dog Grants $50,000 add to NDDVA Budget - 2013

PTSD Service Dogs

Origination of bill: Senator Sorvaag, Ronald

  • Provide $50,000 to ND Department of Veterans Affairs for training service dogs to assist ND Veterans with PTSD
  • Payment made by NDDVA only after completion of service dog's training
  • Payment may not exceed $12,500 per service dog
  • Legislative management shall consider studying statutory changes to benefit ND veterans; state income taxes, property taxes, veteran-focused incentives, assistance obtaining benefits, assistance obtain

HB 1104 - BUDGET - National Guard and Veterans Cemetery - 2015

North Dakota National Guard Operations

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 37‑01‑43, 37‑04‑16, 37‑07.2‑01, subsection 6 of 37‑28‑02, and section 37‑28‑03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the operation of the North Dakota national guard; and to declare an emergency.

HB 1364 - BUDGET - Allow ND DVA Appropriation for Highly Rural Transportation Grant - 2015

Appropriation for Vehicles for Transportation-Related Services for Veterans

Bill pre-approved by Commissioner

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the department of veterans' affairs; and to declare an emergency.

  • Allow ND DVA to accept and expend federal grant dollars for rural veterans transportation program

HB 1372 - HEALTH/WELLBEING - Grants to Identify and Provide Services to Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange - 2015

Grants to Identify and Provide Services to Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange

Bill origination: Representative Trottier, Wayne

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for the identification of and provision of services to veterans exposed to agent orange.